I See You

I see you watching me, and I have to ask myself this question: Why?

What is it that made you call me “brother” but now you stalk me like I am some form of prey. Do you think I haven’t known for a while now that you investigate me like you would investigate a fucking enemy? Is it general curiosity, or something else that makes you so fucking nosy? If I wanted you to know ever facet of my life, don’t you think I’d tell you? I can’t even have privacy now because you are constantly hunting down things about me.

I used to fear people in Anonymous and other hackers who would dive into my private life. I no longer fear them, because they aren’t so fucking intrigued by me that they pry. No, now I am weary and cautious of people I once called family. Sad, really….

So what is it that you think you have learned by prying into my private life? What is it that you think you know? Did you find something you were looking for, or are you going to live off of small pieces that you see and just assume the rest?

Here’s a message to you, and you know who you are….

Stop fucking stalking me. Stop looking into my private life. Stop looking into what I am doing. Stop looking into who I am hanging out with. Stop looking into shit that is absolutely none of your fucking business. Your OpSec sucks ass, not that you’re really hiding what you’re doing anyway, but I know you peek in on shit. I am not that fucking stupid, nor am I that fucking naive.

Go play elsewhere on the internet, because now, I have to destroy yet ANOTHER blog because I can’t have my own fucking private venting place without you trying to fucking peer in on it.

Thanks for destroying my trust.

Bring Them to Light by Apocalyptica